; The first line above is an identifier and has to start with the word
; This way, IconInstaller knows that this file is meant as a script.
; An optional version number may be added to guarantee that this script
; is not executed on an older version of IconInstaller, that does not
; support all commands included in the script.
; Empty lines and lines starting with a semicolon are ignored,
; so that comments may be included, as here.
; Display greetings message:
; Messages are invoked with the MESSAGE command. This will produce an
; Intuition requester with the text given in the quotes as the body text
; plus a single 'OK' gadget.
; The message has to be written all on the same line, sorry, so use
; an editor that can handle long lines.
; Messages up to some 500 characters long are supported.
; '\n' is interpreted as a newline character, to split the text up in
; several lines in the requester.
MESSAGE "This example script will install new images to your\nPrefs icons, the icons in the 'Prefs/Presets' drawer,\nand your harddisk and ram disk icons.\n\nOnly the imagery of the icons will be changed.\nPosition, default tool, tooltypes, etc. will be kept intact.\nInstallation is made on an icon-by-icon basis."
; Set the mode of installation - possible arguments are
; AUTOMATIC - fully automatic installation
; SKIP - confirm all installations, skip over not found icons.
; MANUAL - confirm everything, even skips.
; Default is SKIP.
; Offer to install a palette:
; The IFNOTNEWICONS keyword means that the command is executed only if
; the NewIcons patch is not installed, or if the user has selected to
; erase the NewIcon image from the destination icon.
; If the SCRIPTMODE is set to AUTOMATIC, the palette is automatically
; installed (the IFNOTNEWICON condition is taken into account, of course).
; Otherwise, a requester is displayed giving the user the options to
; save, use or cancel the new palette.
; At last, now we come to the real business: the icons themselves.
; Source icons are specified with the FROM keyword,
; destination icons with the TO keyword.
; If the destination icon is not found, it is simply skipped.
; The exception is when SCRIPTMODE is set to MANUAL, where the user has
; the choice to locate the icon manually (or confirm the skip, of course).
FROM Icons/PrefsDrawer TO SYS:Prefs
FROM Icons/Font TO SYS:Prefs/Font
FROM Icons/IControl TO SYS:Prefs/IControl
FROM Icons/Input TO SYS:Prefs/Input
FROM Icons/Locale TO SYS:Prefs/Locale
FROM Icons/Overscan TO SYS:Prefs/Overscan
FROM Icons/Palette TO SYS:Prefs/Palette
FROM Icons/Pointer TO SYS:Prefs/Pointer
FROM Icons/Printer TO SYS:Prefs/Printer
FROM Icons/PrinterGfx TO SYS:Prefs/PrinterGfx
FROM Icons/PrinterPS TO SYS:Prefs/PrinterPS
FROM Icons/ScreenMode TO SYS:Prefs/ScreenMode
FROM Icons/Serial TO SYS:Prefs/Serial
FROM Icons/Sound TO SYS:Prefs/Sound
FROM Icons/Time TO SYS:Prefs/Time
FROM Icons/WBPattern TO SYS:Prefs/WBPattern
FROM Icons/PresetDrawer TO SYS:Prefs/Presets
; Installing to the Prefs/Presets drawer:
; Note the DIR keyword: This means that the destination is a directory,
; not a destination icon. The source is installed to all icons in this
; directory.
; Note the MATCH keyword: This means that icons in the destination drawer
; are compared against the source icon. If the icon types are the same, the
; destination icon is accepted for installation. If the types are different,
; it is rejected.
; Note the TYPE keyword: This explicitely sets the destination icon type
; to PROJECT. In combination with the MATCH keyword above, this guarantees
; that only PROJECT icons are accepted for installation.
FROM Icons/def_preset TO SYS:Prefs/Presets/ DIR TYPE=PROJECT MATCH
; Installing the Ram Disk Icon:
; Note the FORCE keyword: The destination icon is created, if it did not
; exist.
; Note the QUIET keyword: This means that if the destination icon is on
; a volume or device that does not exist, the Workbench requester
; 'Please insert volume...' is not displayed and the icon is skipped.
; The QUIET keyword overrides the FORCE keyword.
; Note the RAM keyword: This will display a requester, offering to append
; a small script to the S:User-Startup to make the Ram Disk icon appear
; after every reboot. If the SCRIPTMODE (as explained above) is set
; to AUTOMATIC, the script is automatically appended to S:User-Startup.
; Installing Hard Disk icons:
; Using the QUIET keyword, non-existing volumes are conveniently
; skipped, even when SCRIPTMODE is set to MANUAL.
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO DH0:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO DH1:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO DH2:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO DH3:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO HD0:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO HD1:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO HD2:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
FROM Icons/def_harddisk TO HD3:Disk QUIET FORCE TYPE=DISK
; A goodbye message
MESSAGE "These example icons are part of the Iconographics icon collection,\nthat contains all standard Workbench icons, ToolManager dock icons,\ncustom drawer icons, and much much more.\nOver 350 icons are included in the collection!\nThese icons look best on a Workbench screen with eight colours or more.\n\nIconographics is available on Aminet and from good PD suppliers."